How does personal training work? Is it worth it?

You may be wondering: are personal trainers worth it? Well, if you want to invest in yourself, your health and your happiness, the answer is yes!

You may also be curious to know: how long does it takes to see the benefit of a Personal Trainer? I’ve answered some questions about what happens when you commit to coaching, and what you can really expect to achieve.

Take a look at our FAQs below for some more information.

General questions

  • Most sessions are 60 minutes. With regular bookings we can create a plan for you.

  • During our personal training session, you should expect a structured and focused workout designed to help you achieve your fitness goals.

    Here's what you can generally expect during our personal training session:

    Assessment: Your first session may begin with an assessment of your current fitness level, health history, and specific goals. The trainer will gather information to create a customised plan.


    A proper warm-up is crucial to prepare your body for exercise. Your trainer will guide you through a warm-up routine that includes stretching and low-intensity exercises.


    The core of the session will involve various exercises and activities tailored to your goals, which could include strength training, cardiovascular exercises, flexibility work, or sport-specific drills.

    Progressive Intensity

    As you progress, the trainer will gradually increase the intensity and complexity of the exercises to challenge your fitness levels.

    Proper Form and Technique

    Your trainer will pay close attention to your form and technique to ensure you perform exercises safely and effectively. They may make corrections and adjustments as needed.

    Motivation and Support

    Personal trainers provide motivation and encouragement throughout the session to help you push through challenging moments.


    Sessions are designed to be engaging and varied, so you're not doing the same routine every time. This prevents boredom and plateaus.

    Feedback and Goal Tracking

    Trainers often track your progress and may provide feedback on your performance, including adjustments to your program based on your progress.


    At the end of the session, there will be a cool-down period that includes stretching and relaxation exercises to help your body recover.

    Nutritional Advice

    Our trainers provide nutritional guidance or suggest post-workout nutrition to support your fitness goals.


    You can ask questions and seek clarification on exercises, nutrition, or any other fitness-related concerns you have.

    Homework or Additional Guidance: Depending on your goals, your trainer may suggest exercises or activities to do between sessions.

    Positive Reinforcement

    Trainers often provide positive reinforcement to boost your confidence and motivation.

    Goal Setting

    At certain intervals, you and your trainer may revisit and adjust your goals based on your progress.

    Remember that the specifics of each personal training session will vary based on your goals, fitness level, and the trainer's approach.

    It's essential to communicate openly with your trainer to ensure you get the most out of each session and stay on track toward your fitness goals.

  • That depends on what you wish to achieve. We ask that clients commit to three months with Personal Training in order to see real sustainable change.

  • We work with the client’s needs. Usually clients prefer two or three sessions a week initially to kick-start their development and then fewer as they reach their goal.

  • It’s my job to help you clarify your goal and then come up with achievable strategies that will effortlessly get you to where you want to be.

    As your PT I will be:

    100% committed to your success.

    Available in between sessions for free email coaching to keep you continually supported.

    Constantly inspiring and motivating you along the way.

    Giving you a completely confidential service.

    A hand to hold or rocket fuel if you need it.

    Offering unconditional support throughout the coaching process.

    Always providing creative ways of helping you.

    Believing in you even when you don’t.

  • Hiring a personal trainer may seem like a luxury if you’re on a budget, but if you really want to get the most out of workouts, receive specialised expert guidance, and be the healthiest version of yourself, it is worth the investment.

  • This very minute!