Postnatal Training

Postnatal exercise is one of the best forms of self-care moms can do, promoting total-body alignment, better posture and enhanced awareness of your “new” post-baby body, which work hand in hand to prevent issues like lower-back pain and shoulder and neck tension. The intentional deep breathing during excercise oxygenates both the muscles and the brain, which translates to increased mental clarity and patience. The boost in circulation you’ll get from engaging in exercise movement will energise your body from head to toe, something that proves especially helpful for sleep-deprived parents.

What are the benefit of Postnatal Exercises?

Postnatal Exercise is specifically designed for the postpartum body—and that includes women who have undergone both natural deliveries and C-sections. Once your doctor gives you clearance to begin movement, exercise can help accelerate the healing process, boosting blood flow and oxygenation to help repair damaged muscles like the transverse abdominis (your deepest abdominals that form a “corset” around your torso) and the obliques (your waist).

Is postnatal excercise Safe for me?

Any training or another form of moderate exercise after birth is a safe and effective way to address any aches and pains still lingering from pregnancy and from the physical and mental demands of being a new mother. Although most experts advise waiting six to seven weeks to begin working out, gentle exercise-based movement, pelvic floor exercise and deep breathing can help increase mobility and circulation right after the baby arrives. Since exercise is a mind-body movement, it also works in tandem with the nervous system to make your new brain-body connections, which is essential to the natural healing process.

Postnatal strength training

Doing light resistance weight training can be an accelerated way to help safely rebuild strength and stability for your postnatal body. It’s best to do it under the supervision of a qualified instructor, who has the proper knowledge on the postnatal body and its limitations.

Above all, it’s crucial to regain your understanding of how to engage the transverse abdominis i.e., the muscle group that allows you to “corset” your midsection. When you engage this deep layer of abdominals, you’re able to support your torso and back, which will lead to safer, more efficient movement.

Choose Appropriate

Dear mums, remember the fact that nothing can change the date that you had your baby 🙌. I found it frustrating, the most as a new mum, there are so many fat losses and cellulite bombardments that targeted at us. The fitness ad, diet ads, the HIIT half price offers, cellulite reduction and stretch marks treatment, and fat loss pills. Most of them should be ignored for whilst they absolutely target you as a new mum. Most of them doesn’t respect your needs.

Please remember as a new mum to ignore them all and follow one simple rule: CHOOSE APPROPRIATE. Choose the fact that you are in the postnatal population and such deserve and require specialist care, attention and program for your stage of recovery, exercise history, birth type and childcare situation. What you don’t deserve is so much pressures to overhaul yourself. The fastest way to result is a plan that is built for your specific needs and that you can stick to them medium or long term.

Remember, you are so much more than what you weight. Don’t let all the marketing tactic fool you. Bodyfat, rolls, stretch mark and cellulite are beautiful, they are our badges for these tough and amazing experience that we had to get through for our babies.

Postpartum Stress

Exercise is a great way to manage post-partum stress, which is the anxiety, stress and general fogginess that many mothers experience in the weeks or months after childbirth. Even doing just 10 minutes of mindful movement like postnatal exercise can help reduce stress, improve sleep quality and make you feel invigorated, both physically and emotionally.

Motherhood, especially when it’s your first time, can be challenging and taxing. Postnatal exercise is an effective tool you’ll want to turn to over and over again.

Precautions and Modification

If you’re unable to work with a postnatal trainer specialist, it’s vital to understand which exercises are inappropriate for the post-baby body. This will come in handy when you opt for a quickie mat workout while baby naps! Avoid high impact core exercises. The majority of new mothers, ( I suffered this for almost a year after birth) have a forward kyphotic (slumped) posture, the result of holding and feeding baby and having full breasts. Before you engage in any form of back extension, focus on opening your chest and shoulders. That way, you’ll reap the benefits of back-bending without injuring your body.


If you’ve had a C-section, make sure to ease into your exercise practice, gently reintroducing abdominal work and only progressing when you’re fully ready. Only you know your body and what you’re feeling, so let it be your guide.

Diastasis frequently asked questions

What is Diastasis Recti?

Diastasis recti is an excessive widening and thinning of the linear alba, or the tissue on the right and left side of the abdominals. Diastasis recti is a prevalent issue among post-partum women.

Is postnatal exercise safe?

Postnatal exercise is not only safe for most women with this abdominal separation, but it can actually help to support the regeneration of the abdominal tissue. Exercise is also beneficial for any pelvic floor issues that might have occurred during pregnancy or labour and delivery (such as tearing), which can cause shooting pain, pain during sex, and problems with bladder function such as urinary incontinence.

What precautions should I take?

If you have diastasis recti, stay away from forward flexion (exercises like crunches), since these place too much load on the abdominals and pelvic floor and can potentially exacerbate the issue. The last thing you want to do is to make that separation worse.

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