Why use weight loss personal training?

One of the most common goals for a personal training programme is weight loss management.

With people’s busy lifestyles and stressful workloads, our eating habits (and what we eat) can become harder to manage. This isn’t helped by unscientific reports in the media about health fads and quick-fixes - much of it unsupported by any kind of meaningful evidence or research.

In contrast, I will coach you through research-based approaches to focus on nutrition and health, and find a weight-loss programme solution that works for you.

Is weight-loss personal training right for me?

There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to weight-loss. The strategy has to work with your needs, beliefs and lifestyle in order to be successful.

I do not believe in detoxes, crash diets, quick-fixes or any other kind of fad-driven overnight body transformations. That is because – quite simply – they do not work.

I believe that for a programme to be effective and lasting, it also has to be gradual and sustainable. And that’s what I will deliver - a long-term strategy that can get you where you want to be, and help you stay there.

What will I expect with your weight-loss programme?

I start with a full assessment of your fitness and health to build a robust picture of your current lifestyle. This includes information not only on your physical metrics - weight, body fat percentage, muscle mass, etc - but also on your current eating habits, sleep, and stress factors (amongst others).

This will become the basis for a bespoke programme that is suited to your specific needs and circumstances. It will combine clear, realistic, nutritional guidance with good physical programming.

I’ll give you techniques and strategies to help you change any limiting behaviours and build healthy and supportive habits that will support and sustain your goals – including around sleep patterns, when you eat, fasting, and supplements.


As I’ve explained, you should not expect a quick fix. But you should expect an effective and sustainable one. I will create a programme for you that you can reasonably commit to, that will work, and I will keep you supported and motivated throughout it. And we’ll ask you to keep to your commitment as much as can be reasonably expected.

If we both work together, you will achieve the weight management goal you set yourself, and you will maintain that body composition for life.